Sunday, October 5, 2008

091 Juniper V, Tahoe City, USA

Juniper and I were friends on exchange to Italy when I was 14/15. We have not spoken since then but I have a feeling she's turned out alright! Why did you leave Flagstaff, Arizona anyway? I love the name of that place. Flagstaff!!


Anonymous said...

what a fantastic project! now i do have a question ~ is this postcard from that trip to italy? is it really 15 years old? i'll add it to my collection, the collection that, when i was 15, papered the walls in my room. ciao! juniper

Bim Ricketson said...

Hi Juniper! Wow, that got to you quickly - bravo for the US Postal Service.

Yes, that is indeed a 'vintage' postcard, bought when I went to Venice with my host brother in July 1993. Better that someone like you enjoys it than it sits in a box going yellow right?

Set beauty free!