Saturday, September 6, 2008

062 Fitri W, Dubai, UAE

Fitri was a couple of years above me at roll call in school. It is ramadan at the moment and I thought she might appreciate this hilarious card I picked up in Qatar, one of my all-time favourites...


Unknown said...

I havent received a card in the mail in forever.. thus my appreciation upon receiving it during my hectic day. I stop to write on your wall and send my thanks thru cyberspace for your thoughtful card!.
Eid Mubarak to you too.!!
That jet skiier is too hot!.. jetskiiing in the Doha waters in front of that iconic hotel, in a gold outfit.. classic!! He is too hot!!..
as I wrote on your FB wall...
YOU are such a Rockstar!!!....
Shukran Shukran!!...
Thanks again.
ps those roll call days were too long ago!!!

Bim Ricketson said...

Thanks Fitri! Love that kind of response from everyone that opens up their letterbox to a little wonder!